Customized transpilation
jspicl does not support all expressions and statements out of the box but it is
extensible enough to allow for these to be added. It also allows existing ones to
be replaced if the implementation is considered unsatisfactory.
This is done by supplying a customMappers
option. The only requirement imposed on
the AST node is that it contains a string property called type
since this is used to identify the appropriate declaration, expression or statement.
AST Explorer
Analyze and explore your code's Abstract Syntax Tree
An agnostic transpiler for Abstract Syntax Trees.
is built
on top of Trastpiler.
const customMappers = {
// Replace the default while-statement implementation
WhileStatement: ({ body, test }, { transpile }) =>
`while ${transpile(test)} do
-- We have full control of the output!
// Add support for missing features
ForOfStatement: ({ left, right, body }, {transpile}) => {
// ...
// Custom statements, declarations and expressions are also valid
// as long as the nodes are included in the AST
SuperDuperComment: () => `-- You're doing great!`,
// ...
const { code } = jspicl(javascriptCode, { customMappers });